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Jízda králů (Ride of the Kings)

Without a crown, not even grown in a man yet, none the less he is a king... He rides a horse through a village with his entourage, dressed in women clothes, silent with a rose in his mouth and atmosphere mysterious as the tradition itself breathes on you.

Discover the Ride of the Kings, a phenomenal Moravia celebration, which is by rights included in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2011. First records of this tradition date to 1808, but its supposed to be even older. The most popular Ride of the Kings is held annually in Vlčnov and in the Dolňácko Region at Skoronice u Kyjova, however you can experience it also in Kunovice or Hluk.

According to a folk tale, the Hungarian king Matyáš Korvín dressed as a woman after a battle with Jiří z Poděbrad, adorned himself with ribbons and put a rose to his mouth, so that his voice could not reveal his true identity in front of people. This way, he wanted to conceal his retreat from the battle. On the way back to his castle in Trenčín, he had no food supplies, and that is why he had to ask villagers for help. According to many ethno graphs, this folk tale is a foundation for the folk tradition – Ride of the Kings, during which even nowadays men dress in women clothes, adorn themselves with ribbons and put have a rose in their mouth.

There will always remain an enthralling memory of the young king in your mind, of his entourage, beautiful music and endless colourfulness, which accompany the celebration. Enjoy this world rarity with all your senses.

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